Tag: Logistics technology

  • Top 6 Logistics Management Software (LMS) features that you KNOW you need

    Top 6 Logistics Management Software (LMS) features that you KNOW you need

    You know it. You need the most market-ready Logistics Management Software (LMS) that’s primed for your ground realities. Openlane’s LMS has the workflow and tools perfect for all users reflecting the needs of the drivers, handlers, managers, consigners, consignees, etc. The logistics management software seamlessly merges with all enterprise systems with zero data latency or…

  • “Wow” your consumers! The right logistics management software would get you there

    “Wow” your consumers! The right logistics management software would get you there

    The world goes round and round, and within – it’s the continuous logistics movement that keeps things running. Everything from a banana or a chip, or banana chips gets marked and scanned as they move from one region to another, and finally through the last mile distribution into our hands (so to speak). We just…

  • How Smart Cities Can Help Build a Better Post-Pandemic World

    How Smart Cities Can Help Build a Better Post-Pandemic World

    This article was previously published by our author Faiz Shaikh on, Readwrite, link – https://readwrite.com/how-smart-cities-can-help-build-a-better-post-pandemic-world/   If we look back on the past five years, we would find many breath-taking tech advancements. Smart cities, micro-drones, Internet of Things, connected logistics, artificial intelligence, etc. have put us on a platform where pride comes naturally. We can talk…